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/********************************** (C) COPYRIGHT *******************************
* File Name : portASM.S
* Author : WCH
* Version : V1.0
* Date : 2022/05/10
* Description : WCH Qingke V4A FreeRTOSÒÆÖ²»ã±à½Ó¿Ú
* Copyright (c) 2021 Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics Co., Ltd.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#define portCONTEXT_SIZE ( 29 * 4 )
.global xPortStartFirstTask
.global unified_interrupt_handler
.global pxPortInitialiseStack
.global SW_Handler
.global SW_Handler_Switch
.extern pxCurrentTCB
.extern vTaskSwitchContext
.extern xISRStackTop
.extern user_interrupt_handler
.section .highcode,"ax",@progbits
.align 2
csrr t0, 0x804 /* justice whether it's in interrupt nesting. */
andi t1, t0, 0x02
bnez t1, interrupt_nesting /* if it's not zero, it's in interrupt nesting. */
csrw mscratch, sp
lw sp, xISRStackTop /* Switch to ISR stack before function call. */
csrr a0, mcause
csrs 0x804, 0x02 /* enable interrupt nests. */
jal user_interrupt_handler
csrc mstatus, 8 /* disable interrupt in machine mode. */
nop /* wait for 3 grade pipeline. */
csrc 0x804, 0x02 /* disable interrupt nests. */
csrr sp, mscratch /* resume sp from mscratch. */
csrr a0, mcause /* if it's in interrupt nesting, don't need to change sp. */
jal user_interrupt_handler /* handle interrupt directly. */
.section .highcode,"ax",@progbits
.align 2
li t0, 0x1880 /* set MPIE to 1, make interrupt enabled after this function. */
csrw mstatus, t0
lw t1, pxCurrentTCB /* Load pxCurrentTCB. */
lw sp, 0( t1 ) /* Read sp from first TCB member. */
lw t0, 0(sp) /* Load mret with the address of the next instruction in the task to run next. */
csrw mepc, t0
lw x1, 1 * 4( sp )
lw x5, 2 * 4( sp ) /* t0 */
lw x6, 3 * 4( sp ) /* t1 */
lw x7, 4 * 4( sp ) /* t2 */
lw x8, 5 * 4( sp ) /* s0/fp */
lw x9, 6 * 4( sp ) /* s1 */
lw x10, 7 * 4( sp ) /* a0 */
lw x11, 8 * 4( sp ) /* a1 */
lw x12, 9 * 4( sp ) /* a2 */
lw x13, 10 * 4( sp ) /* a3 */
lw x14, 11 * 4( sp ) /* a4 */
lw x15, 12 * 4( sp ) /* a5 */
lw x16, 13 * 4( sp ) /* a6 */
lw x17, 14 * 4( sp ) /* a7 */
lw x18, 15 * 4( sp ) /* s2 */
lw x19, 16 * 4( sp ) /* s3 */
lw x20, 17 * 4( sp ) /* s4 */
lw x21, 18 * 4( sp ) /* s5 */
lw x22, 19 * 4( sp ) /* s6 */
lw x23, 20 * 4( sp ) /* s7 */
lw x24, 21 * 4( sp ) /* s8 */
lw x25, 22 * 4( sp ) /* s9 */
lw x26, 23 * 4( sp ) /* s10 */
lw x27, 24 * 4( sp ) /* s11 */
lw x28, 25 * 4( sp ) /* t3 */
lw x29, 26 * 4( sp ) /* t4 */
lw x30, 27 * 4( sp ) /* t5 */
lw x31, 28 * 4( sp ) /* t6 */
addi sp, sp, portCONTEXT_SIZE
mret /* must use mret, to make mie enabled and pc changed. */
.section .highcode,"ax",@progbits
.align 2
addi sp, sp, -portCONTEXT_SIZE
sw x1, 1 * 4( sp )
sw x5, 2 * 4( sp )
sw x6, 3 * 4( sp )
sw x7, 4 * 4( sp )
sw x8, 5 * 4( sp )
sw x9, 6 * 4( sp )
sw x10, 7 * 4( sp )
sw x11, 8 * 4( sp )
sw x12, 9 * 4( sp )
sw x13, 10 * 4( sp )
sw x14, 11 * 4( sp )
sw x15, 12 * 4( sp )
sw x16, 13 * 4( sp )
sw x17, 14 * 4( sp )
sw x18, 15 * 4( sp )
sw x19, 16 * 4( sp )
sw x20, 17 * 4( sp )
sw x21, 18 * 4( sp )
sw x22, 19 * 4( sp )
sw x23, 20 * 4( sp )
sw x24, 21 * 4( sp )
sw x25, 22 * 4( sp )
sw x26, 23 * 4( sp )
sw x27, 24 * 4( sp )
sw x28, 25 * 4( sp )
sw x29, 26 * 4( sp )
sw x30, 27 * 4( sp )
sw x31, 28 * 4( sp )
lw t0, pxCurrentTCB /* Load pxCurrentTCB. */
sw sp, 0( t0 ) /* Write sp to first TCB member. */
csrr a1, mepc
sw a1, 0( sp ) /* Save updated exception return address. */
jal vTaskSwitchContext
li t0, 0x1800 /* set MPIE to 0, make it safe when switch tasks. */
csrw mstatus, t0
/* Load mret with the address of the next instruction in the task to run next. */
la t0, SW_Handler_Switch
csrw mepc, t0
.section .text,"ax",@progbits
.align 2
lw sp, pxCurrentTCB /* Load pxCurrentTCB. */
lw sp, 0( sp ) /* Read sp from first TCB member. */
lw x1, 0( sp ) /* Note for starting the scheduler the exception return address is used as the function return address. */
lw x6, 3 * 4( sp ) /* t1 */
lw x7, 4 * 4( sp ) /* t2 */
lw x8, 5 * 4( sp ) /* s0/fp */
lw x9, 6 * 4( sp ) /* s1 */
lw x10, 7 * 4( sp ) /* a0 */
lw x11, 8 * 4( sp ) /* a1 */
lw x12, 9 * 4( sp ) /* a2 */
lw x13, 10 * 4( sp ) /* a3 */
lw x14, 11 * 4( sp ) /* a4 */
lw x15, 12 * 4( sp ) /* a5 */
lw x16, 13 * 4( sp ) /* a6 */
lw x17, 14 * 4( sp ) /* a7 */
lw x18, 15 * 4( sp ) /* s2 */
lw x19, 16 * 4( sp ) /* s3 */
lw x20, 17 * 4( sp ) /* s4 */
lw x21, 18 * 4( sp ) /* s5 */
lw x22, 19 * 4( sp ) /* s6 */
lw x23, 20 * 4( sp ) /* s7 */
lw x24, 21 * 4( sp ) /* s8 */
lw x25, 22 * 4( sp ) /* s9 */
lw x26, 23 * 4( sp ) /* s10 */
lw x27, 24 * 4( sp ) /* s11 */
lw x28, 25 * 4( sp ) /* t3 */
lw x29, 26 * 4( sp ) /* t4 */
lw x30, 27 * 4( sp ) /* t5 */
lw x31, 28 * 4( sp ) /* t6 */
lw x5, 29 * 4( sp ) /* Initial mstatus into x5 (t0) */
addi x5, x5, 0x08 /* Set MIE bit so the first task starts with interrupts enabled - required as returns with ret not eret. */
csrrw x0, mstatus, x5 /* Interrupts enabled from here! */
lw x5, 2 * 4( sp ) /* Initial x5 (t0) value. */
addi sp, sp, portCONTEXT_SIZE
.section .text,"ax",@progbits
.align 2
csrr t0, mstatus /* Obtain current mstatus value. */
andi t0, t0, ~0x8 /* Ensure interrupts are disabled when the stack is restored within an ISR. Required when a task is created after the schedulre has been started, otherwise interrupts would be disabled anyway. */
addi t1, x0, 0x188 /* Generate the value 0x1880, which are the MPIE and MPP bits to set in mstatus. */
slli t1, t1, 4
or t0, t0, t1 /* Set MPIE and MPP bits in mstatus value. */
addi a0, a0, -4
sw t0, 0(a0) /* mstatus onto the stack. */
addi a0, a0, -(22 * 4) /* Space for registers x11-x31. */
sw a2, 0(a0) /* Task parameters (pvParameters parameter) goes into register X10/a0 on the stack. */
addi a0, a0, -(6 * 4) /* Space for registers x5-x9. */
sw x0, 0(a0) /* Return address onto the stack, could be portTASK_RETURN_ADDRESS */
addi t0, x0, 0 /* The number of chip specific additional registers. */
chip_specific_stack_frame: /* First add any chip specific registers to the stack frame being created. */
beq t0, x0, 1f /* No more chip specific registers to save. */
addi a0, a0, -4 /* Make space for chip specific register. */
sw x0, 0(a0) /* Give the chip specific register an initial value of zero. */
addi t0, t0, -1 /* Decrement the count of chip specific registers remaining. */
j chip_specific_stack_frame /* Until no more chip specific registers. */
addi a0, a0, -4
sw a1, 0(a0) /* mret value (pxCode parameter) onto the stack. */