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______ _
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(C)2016 Semtech
Description: Handling of the node configuration protocol
License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
Maintainer: Miguel Luis, Matthieu Verdy and Benjamin Boulet
#ifndef __RADIO_H__
#define __RADIO_H__
#include "sx1280.h"
* \brief Class holding the basic communications with a radio
* It sets the functions to read/write registers, send commands and read/write
* payload.
* It also provides functions to run callback functions depending on the
* interrupts generated from the radio.
* 它设置了用于读取/写入寄存器、发送命令和读取/写入载荷的函数。
struct Radio_s
* \brief Initializes the radio 射频初始化
* \param [IN] callbacks Structure containing the driver callback functions
void ( *Init )( RadioCallbacks_t *callbacks );
* \brief Resets the radio
void ( *Reset )( void );
* \brief Gets the current radio status
* \retval status Radio status
RadioStatus_t ( *GetStatus )( void );
* \brief Writes the given command to the radio
* \param [in] opcode Command opcode
* \param [in] buffer Command parameters byte array
* \param [in] size Command parameters byte array size
void ( *WriteCommand )( RadioCommands_t opcode, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size );
* \brief Reads the given command from the radio
* \param [in] opcode Command opcode
* \param [in] buffer Command parameters byte array
* \param [in] size Command parameters byte array size
void ( *ReadCommand )( RadioCommands_t opcode, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size );
* \brief Writes multiple radio registers starting at address
* \param [in] address First Radio register address
* \param [in] buffer Buffer containing the new register's values
* \param [in] size Number of registers to be written
void ( *WriteRegisters )( uint16_t address, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size );
* \brief Writes the radio register at the specified address
* \param [in] address Register address
* \param [in] value New register value
void ( *WriteRegister )( uint16_t address, uint8_t value );
* \brief Reads multiple radio registers starting at address
* \param [in] address First Radio register address
* \param [out] buffer Buffer where to copy the registers data
* \param [in] size Number of registers to be read
void ( *ReadRegisters )( uint16_t address, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size );
* \brief Reads the radio register at the specified address
* \param [in] address Register address
* \retval value The register value
uint8_t ( *ReadRegister )( uint16_t address );
* \brief Writes Radio Data Buffer with buffer of size starting at offset.
* \param [in] offset Offset where to start writing
* \param [in] buffer Buffer pointer
* \param [in] size Buffer size
void ( *WriteBuffer )( uint8_t offset, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size );
* \brief Reads Radio Data Buffer at offset to buffer of size
* \param [in] offset Offset where to start reading
* \param [out] buffer Buffer pointer
* \param [in] size Buffer size
void ( *ReadBuffer )( uint8_t offset, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size );
* \brief Gets the current status of the radio DIOs
* \retval status [Bit #3: DIO3, Bit #2: DIO2,
* Bit #1: DIO1, Bit #0: BUSY]
uint8_t ( *GetDioStatus )( void );
* \brief Return firmware version
* \retval firmware The firmware version
uint16_t ( *GetFirmwareVersion )( void );
* \brief Sets the power regulators operating mode
* \param [in] mode [0: LDO, 1:DC_DC]
void ( *SetRegulatorMode )( RadioRegulatorModes_t mode );
* \brief Sets the radio in configuration mode
* \param [in] mode The standby mode to put the radio into
void ( *SetStandby )( RadioStandbyModes_t mode );
* \brief Sets the radio for the given protocol
* \param [in] packetType [PACKET_TYPE_GFSK, PACKET_TYPE_LORA,
* \remark This method has to be called before SetRfFrequency,
* SetModulationParams and SetPacketParams
void ( *SetPacketType )( RadioPacketTypes_t packetType );
* \brief Set the modulation parameters
* \param [in] modParams A structure describing the modulation parameters
void ( *SetModulationParams )( ModulationParams_t *modParams );
* \brief Sets the packet parameters
* \param [in] packetParams A structure describing the packet parameters
void ( *SetPacketParams )( PacketParams_t *packetParams );
* \brief Sets the RF frequency
* \param [in] frequency RF frequency [Hz]
void ( *SetRfFrequency )( uint32_t frequency );
* \brief Sets the data buffer base address for transmission and reception
* \param [in] txBaseAddress Transmission base address
* \param [in] rxBaseAddress Reception base address
void ( *SetBufferBaseAddresses )( uint8_t txBaseAddress, uint8_t rxBaseAddress );
* \brief Sets the transmission parameters
* \param [in] power RF output power [-18..13] dBm
* \param [in] rampTime Transmission ramp up time
void ( *SetTxParams )( int8_t power, RadioRampTimes_t rampTime );
* \brief Sets the IRQ mask and DIO masks
* \param [in] irqMask General IRQ mask
* \param [in] dio1Mask DIO1 mask
* \param [in] dio2Mask DIO2 mask
* \param [in] dio3Mask DIO3 mask
void ( *SetDioIrqParams )( uint16_t irqMask, uint16_t dio1Mask, uint16_t dio2Mask, uint16_t dio3Mask );
* \brief Sets the Sync Word given by index used in GFSK, FLRC and BLE protocols
* \remark 5th byte isn't used in FLRC and BLE protocols
* \param [in] syncWordIdx Index of SyncWord to be set [1..3]
* \param [in] syncWord SyncWord bytes ( 5 bytes )
* \retval status [0: OK, 1: NOK]
uint8_t ( *SetSyncWord )( uint8_t syncWordIdx, uint8_t *syncWord );
* \brief Sets the radio in reception mode
* \param [in] timeout Structure describing the reception timeout value
void ( *SetRx )( TickTime_t timeout );
* \brief Reads the payload received. If the received payload is longer
* than maxSize, then the method returns 1 and do not set size and payload.
* \param [out] payload A pointer to a buffer into which the payload will be copied
* \param [out] size A pointer to the size of the payload received
* \param [in] maxSize The maximal size allowed to copy into the buffer
uint8_t ( *GetPayload )( uint8_t *payload, uint8_t *size, uint8_t maxSize );
* \brief Sends a payload
* \param [in] payload A pointer to the payload to send
* \param [in] size The size of the payload to send
* \param [in] timeout The timeout for Tx operation
void ( *SendPayload )( uint8_t *payload, uint8_t size, TickTime_t timeout );
* \brief Set the role of the radio during ranging operations
* \param [in] role Role of the radio
void ( *SetRangingRole )( RadioRangingRoles_t role );
* \brief Set the driver in polling mode.
* In polling mode the application is responsible to call ProcessIrqs( ) to
* execute callbacks functions.
* The default mode is Interrupt Mode.
* @code
* // Initializations and callbacks declaration/definition
* radio = SX1280( mosi, miso, sclk, nss, busy, int1, int2, int3, rst, &callbacks );
* radio.Init( );
* radio.SetPollingMode( );
* while( true )
* {
* // IRQ processing is automatically done
* radio.ProcessIrqs( ); // <-- here, as well as callback functions
* // calls
* // Do some applicative work
* }
* @endcode
* \see SX1280SetInterruptMode
void ( *SetPollingMode )( void );
* \brief Set the driver in interrupt mode.
* In interrupt mode, the driver communicate with the radio during the
* interruption by direct calls to ProcessIrqs( ). The main advantage is
* the possibility to have low power application architecture.
* This is the default mode.
* @code
* // Initializations and callbacks declaration/definition
* radio = SX1280( mosi, miso, sclk, nss, busy, int1, int2, int3, rst, &callbacks );
* radio.Init( );
* radio.SetInterruptMode( ); // Optionnal. Driver default behavior
* while( true )
* {
* // Do some applicative work
* }
* @endcode
* \see SX1280SetPollingMode
void ( *SetInterruptMode )( void );
* \brief Initializes the radio registers to the recommended default values
void ( *SetRegistersDefault )( void );
* \brief Gets the current Operation Mode of the Radio
* \retval RadioOperatingModes_t last operating mode
RadioOperatingModes_t ( *GetOpMode )( void );
* \brief Sets the radio in sleep mode
* \param [in] sleepConfig The sleep configuration describing data
* retention and RTC wake-up
void ( *SetSleep )( SleepParams_t sleepConfig );
* \brief Sets the radio in FS mode
void ( *SetFs )( void );
* \brief Sets the radio in transmission mode
* \param [in] timeout Structure describing the transmission timeout value
void ( *SetTx )( TickTime_t timeout );
* \brief Sets the Rx duty cycle management parameters
* \param [in] rxTime Structure describing reception timeout value
* \param [in] sleepTime Structure describing sleep timeout value
void ( *SetRxDutyCycle )( RadioTickSizes_t Step, uint16_t NbStepRx, uint16_t RxNbStepSleep );
* \brief Sets the radio in CAD mode
* \see SX1280::SetCadParams
void ( *SetCad )( void );
* \brief Sets the radio in continuous wave transmission mode
void ( *SetTxContinuousWave )( void );
* \brief Sets the radio in continuous preamble transmission mode
void ( *SetTxContinuousPreamble )( void );
* \brief Gets the current radio protocol
RadioPacketTypes_t ( *GetPacketType )( void );
* \brief Sets the number of symbols to be used for Channel Activity
* Detection operation
* \param [in] cadSymbolNum The number of symbol to use for Channel Activity
* Detection operations [LORA_CAD_01_SYMBOL, LORA_CAD_02_SYMBOL,
void ( *SetCadParams )( RadioLoRaCadSymbols_t cadSymbolNum );
* \brief Gets the last received packet buffer status
* \param [out] payloadLength Last received packet payload length
* \param [out] rxStartBuffer Last received packet buffer address pointer
void ( *GetRxBufferStatus )( uint8_t *payloadLength, uint8_t *rxStartBuffer );
* \brief Gets the last received packet payload length
* \param [out] pktStatus A structure of packet status
void ( *GetPacketStatus )( PacketStatus_t *pktStatus );
* \brief Returns the instantaneous RSSI value for the last packet received
* \retval rssiInst Instantaneous RSSI
int8_t ( *GetRssiInst )( void );
* \brief Returns the current IRQ status
* \retval irqStatus IRQ status
uint16_t ( *GetIrqStatus )( void );
* \brief Clears the IRQs
* \param [in] irq IRQ(s) to be cleared
void ( *ClearIrqStatus )( uint16_t irq );
* \brief Calibrates the given radio block
* \param [in] calibParam The description of blocks to be calibrated
void ( *Calibrate )( CalibrationParams_t calibParam );
* \brief Saves the current selected modem configuration into data RAM
void ( *SetSaveContext )( void );
* \brief Sets the chip to automatically send a packet after the end of a packet reception
* \remark The offset is automatically compensated inside the function
* \param [in] time The delay in us after which a Tx is done
void ( *SetAutoTx )( uint16_t time );
* \brief Stop the chip from automatically sending a packet after the end of a packet reception
* if previously activated with SX1280::SetAutoTx command
* \see SX1280::SetAutoTx
void ( *StopAutoTx )();
* \brief Sets the chip to automatically receive a packet after the end of a packet transmission
* \remark The offset is automatically compensated inside the function
* \param [in] time The delay in us after which a Rx is done
void ( *SetAutoFS )( uint8_t enable );
* \brief Enables or disables long preamble detection mode
* \param [in] enable [0: Disable, 1: Enable]
void ( *SetLongPreamble )( uint8_t enable );
* \brief Saves the payload to be send in the radio buffer
* \param [in] payload A pointer to the payload
* \param [in] size The size of the payload
void ( *SetPayload )( uint8_t *payload, uint8_t size );
* \brief Sets the Sync Word given by index used in GFSK, FLRC and BLE protocols
* \remark 5th byte isn't used in FLRC and BLE protocols
* \param [in] syncWordIdx Index of SyncWord to be set [1..3]
* \param [in] syncWord SyncWord bytes ( 5 bytes )
* \retval status [0: OK, 1: NOK]
void ( *SetSyncWordErrorTolerance )( uint8_t errorBits );
* \brief Sets the Initial value for the LFSR used for the CRC calculation
* \param [in] seed Initial LFSR value ( 4 bytes )
void ( *SetCrcSeed )( uint16_t seed );
* \brief Set the Access Address field of BLE packet
* \param [in] accessAddress The access address to be used for next BLE packet sent
* \see SX1280::SetBleAdvertizerAccessAddress
void ( *SetBleAccessAddress )( uint32_t accessAddress );
* \brief Set the Access Address for Advertizer BLE packets
* All advertizer BLE packets must use a particular value for Access
* Address field. This method sets it.
* \see SX1280::SetBleAccessAddress
void ( *SetBleAdvertizerAccessAddress )( void );
* \brief Sets the seed used for the CRC calculation
* \param [in] seed The seed value
void ( *SetCrcPolynomial )( uint16_t seed );
* \brief Sets the Initial value of the LFSR used for the whitening in GFSK, FLRC and BLE protocols
* \param [in] seed Initial LFSR value
void ( *SetWhiteningSeed )( uint8_t seed );
* \brief Enable manual gain and disable AGC
* \see SetManualGainValue, DisableManualGain
void ( *EnableManualGain )( void );
* \brief Disable the manual gain control and enable AGC
* \see EnableManualGain
void ( *DisableManualGain )( void );
* \brief Set the gain for LNA
* EnableManualGain must be call before using this function
* \param [in] gain The value of gain to set, refer to datasheet for value meaning
* \see EnableManualGain, DisableManualGain
void ( *SetManualGainValue )( uint8_t gain );
* \brief Configure the LNA regime of operation
* \param [in] lnaSetting The LNA setting. Possible values are
void ( *SetLNAGainSetting )( RadioLnaSettings_t lnaSetting );
* \brief Sets the number of bits used to check that ranging request match ranging ID
* \param [in] length [0: 8 bits, 1: 16 bits,
* 2: 24 bits, 3: 32 bits]
void ( *SetRangingIdLength )( RadioRangingIdCheckLengths_t length );
* \brief Sets ranging device id
* \param [in] address Device address
void ( *SetDeviceRangingAddress )( uint32_t address );
* \brief Sets the device id to ping in a ranging request
* \param [in] address Address of the device to ping
void ( *SetRangingRequestAddress )( uint32_t address );
* \brief Return the ranging result value
* \param [in] resultType Specifies the type of result.
* [0: RAW, 1: Averaged,
* 2: De-biased, 3:Filtered]
* \retval ranging The ranging measure filtered according to resultType [m]
double ( *GetRangingResult )( RadioRangingResultTypes_t resultType );
* \brief Sets the standard processing delay between Master and Slave
* \param [in] cal RxTx delay offset for correcting ranging bias.
* The calibration value reflects the group delay of the radio front end and
* must be re-performed for each new SX1280 PCB design. The value is obtained
* empirically by either conducted measurement in a known electrical length
* coaxial RF cable (where the design is connectorised) or by radiated
* measurement, at a known distance, where an antenna is present.
* The result of the calibration process is that the SX1280 ranging result
* accurately reflects the physical range, the calibration procedure therefore
* removes the average timing error from the time-of-flight measurement for a
* given design.
* The values are Spreading Factor dependents, and depend also of the board
* design. Some typical values are provided in the next table.
* Spreading Factor | Calibration Value
* ---------------- | -----------------
* SF5 | 12200
* SF6 | 12200
* SF7 | 12400
* SF8 | 12650
* SF9 | 12940
* SF10 | 13000
* SF11 | 13060
* SF12 | 13120
void ( *SetRangingCalibration )( uint16_t cal );
* \brief Return the last ranging result power indicator
* The value returned is not an absolute power measurement. It is
* a relative power measurement.
* \retval deltaThreshold A relative power indicator
uint8_t ( *GetRangingPowerDeltaThresholdIndicator)( void );
* \brief Clears the ranging filter
void ( *RangingClearFilterResult )( void );
* \brief Set the number of samples considered in the built-in filter
* \param [in] numSample The number of samples to use built-in filter
* [8..255]
* \remark Value inferior to 8 will be silently set to 8
void ( *RangingSetFilterNumSamples )( uint8_t numSample );
* \brief Return the Estimated Frequency Error in LORA and RANGING operations
* \retval efe The estimated frequency error [Hz]
double ( *GetFrequencyError )( void );
void ( *WEAKUP )(void);
* \brief Radio driver
* \remark This variable is defined and initialized in the specific radio
* board implementation
extern const struct Radio_s Radio;
#endif // __RADIO_H__